Channel: BuzzFeed - Buzz Tagged "Virat Kohli"
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17 Of The Coolest, Cutest And Wackiest Rangolis Indians Made This Diwali


More like Di-wow-li, amirite?

This perfect throwback to the good old '90s, when Cartoon Network was king.

This perfect throwback to the good old '90s, when Cartoon Network was king.

Shruti Thakkar / Via instagram.com

This Targaryen tribute to the most popular show on television today.

This Targaryen tribute to the most popular show on television today.

Reddit.com user: cbsxact7 / Via reddit.com

This touch of genius that didn't even require any rangoli supplies to begin with.

This touch of genius that didn't even require any rangoli supplies to begin with.

Instagram: parth_optimistic / Via instagram.com

This rendition of Virat Kohli which I'm still struggling to believe is actually a goddamn rangoli.

This rendition of Virat Kohli which I'm still struggling to believe is actually a goddamn rangoli.

Romin Sureja / Via Twitter: @just2_read

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